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Studies prove that micro perforations in food packaging ensure greater durability of products, reducing the spread of micro-organisms in the food

Publicado em 18/10/2021

When taking a packaged food item home, no consumer expects to face unpleasant surprises when opening the product, such as damage caused by incorrect storage or the presence of microorganisms that make its consumption unfeasible. The problem also causes headaches for the food industry, after all, it reduces the shelf life of these products and causes economic losses.
This is a challenge for this industrial area: to ensure increasingly adequate and safe packaging to prevent food exposure to heat, light, dust or water and all situations that increase the chance of micro-organisms proliferation.

The good news is that there is already a technology available for this, the so-called micro-holes. When applied correctly, they act as a kind of valve that allows air to escape when the package is pressed. This solution ensures greater efficiency in baling and reduces space waste, food and packages.

How do micro perforations in food packaging work?

The solution based on micro-holes was developed precisely from the need to efficiently remove air from the packages. Therefore, the micro perforations work as a valve through which the air must leave, but cannot enter, so as not to interfere with the food quality while optimizing the efficiency of packages.

"This solution is suitable for any type of food, but the most common are rice, beans, farinaceous and sugar. The technology is used in polyethylene plastic film packages ", explains Eduardo Arndt, Engineering Manager at Selgron, a company specializing in the manufacture of equipment for different agribusiness segments.

For over 3 years ago, Selgron developed its own technology for micro perforations offering suitable solutions for the industry. "This micro hole made by Selgron was the object of a very in-depth study in our laboratories, resulting in a geometry that allows the micro perforations to work as if were, in fact, a valve", he adds.

Study results

A large part of the grain and flour manufacturers make use of micro-perforations in the packages due to the difficulties supermarket face at distributing and displaying products. In addition, some retailers, trying to solve the problem, make inappropriate holes in the packs, leaving the product exposed, causing economic losses, as well as offering risk to the consumer's health. But, when this procedure is made by the manufacturer in a controlled manner and with adequate technology, these micro perforations bring advantages. This is demonstrated by a study carried out by the Laboratory of “Senai Institute of Chemical Technology and Environment at Firjan - Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro. The laboratory developed an analytical protocol to assess whether the presence of micro-holes in packaging could contribute to product deterioration. For this, macroscopic, microscopic and microbiological aspects of packaged foods with and without micro holes were analysed.

Items such as corn, cornmeal, refined salt, cassava flour and peas were tested. The results showed that all foods tested were in accordance with current legislation. There was a tendency for microorganisms to increase in cassava flour and pea that were packaged without micro perforations.
The research concluded that the presence of micro-holes in packaging does not make food more susceptible to contamination and that it also contributes to the maintenance of adequate storage conditions for these products.

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